How to add the link to your profile

It is completely free for your firm to create a profile on UNREAL. Our only request is that you add a link on your website that directs to your UNREAL profile once it has been approved.

Easy step guide

Where should I place the link?

The optimal placement will depend on your website's design and your personal preferences.
It is entirely up to you where you choose to place the link to your UNREAL profile on your website.

We typically recommend adding the link in one of the following locations:


Display UNREALs trust in your competency


'Partners' page

Display your strong position in the market


News page or blog page

Display exciting news

'Solutions' page

Display that you are embedded in UNREAL


'About us' page

Display your strong position in the market

Where can I find your logo?

Most partners display our logo on their website, usually in their partner section and their footer. You can download our logo here:

Save logo and add the link manually

Right-click on badge and press "Save As"


<a href="" class="w-inline-block">
<img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="300" height="105">

Done-for-you HTML

Copy above text and insert on your site

Why do I need to add the link on my website?

We acquire most of our customers through Google Search Advertising, and one of the factors Google considers is the number of links pointing to a specific website. By adding a link on your website pointing to UNREAL, you help us attract more customers, which in turn generates more clients for our partners. Including this link is part of our partner terms.

How do I add a link to my website?

The method for adding a link depends on your website's content management system (CMS). If you do not manage your own website, we suggest reaching out to your external web designer for assistance. Please feel free to contact us if you have any technical questions.

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