TikTok Records Consistent EU User Base Expansion

TikTok, a prominent social media platform, consistently expands in Europe prompting an in-depth analysis of its user attraction strategies.


Emily Chambers


September 15, 2024

Image by Cottonbro Studio. No changes were made to the original image, which is licensed under CC.

TikTok has seen a consistent rise in its user base across the European Union. There have been assumptions about the firm's reported use of financial rewards to encourage new content creators, raising questions about possible issues in attracting users. However, recent findings dismiss such theories, solidifying the steady and typical growth of TikTok within the EU, regardless of its methods for expanding its user base. This augmentation is supported by dependable data and confirms the consistent establishment of TikTok in these markets. No unique covert operations or attention-grabbing tactics are used, just a stable and simple approach to commercial practice and user engagement.

EU TikTok User Figures Maintain Steady Growth

The Digital Services Act (DSA) of the European Union mandates large online platforms to report their active user count within Europe twice a year. In its latest disclosure, TikTok reported it had 150 million active users per month from February to July in the present year. These figures depict an increase when compared to the previously reported 134 million and 142 million active users during the last August and February, respectively. Unique to the trends of other social media platforms, TikTok shows a consistent increase in its user base. On the other hand, platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, and X (previously known as Twitter) have shown a diminishing trend or no growth at all for their regular users in Europe.

Focus Shifting Towards Significant EU Market

TikTok may bear considerable consequences from a potential disposal bill in the US. If passed, this bill could urge TikTok to trade to an American entity or encounter a complete prohibition starting next year, impacting its vast user base of 170 million in the USA. Cognizant of such looming problems, TikTok is now shifting its gaze towards the EU market's expansion. Their goal is to amplify their presence in this region, for which they are formulating fresh procedures. One tactic involves stressing in-stream shopping, providing extra perks for its creators. Their strategies highlight their tactical focus on the discussed area amid anticipating possible complications from the USA.

Global TikTok User Distribution Analysis

TikTok has accrued more than a billion users across the globe. This user base is not distributed uniformly, differing from other online platforms. Major markets are Americas with 170 million users, European Union boasting 150 million, Indonesia has 130 million, Brazil with 100 million, Mexico possessing 77 million, and Vietnam with 70 million. These areas contribute more than 50% of TikTok's total user base in the world, pointing towards key growth areas for the platform. It's relevant to mention that TikTok is not accessible in the swiftly expanding market of India, which makes its stable growth in other markets increasingly crucial.

TikTok Expands More in Europe

Contrary to doubts about deceleration, TikTok keeps its solid footing in Europe, as illustrated by notable user expansion. The company's concentration on the European Union is a tactical reaction to potential obstacles in the US market, indicative of a larger scheme to stimulate growth across diverse global areas. While examining new possibilities and pursuing enhancements in various markets, the platform abstains from theatrical or exaggerated strategies. Practical and data-driven progress represents TikTok's steady and dedicated endeavors to uphold and amplify its user base in the fluctuating digital world.

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