According to a UN report, the Netherlands stands out in global ecommerce penetration.

The UN Conference on Trade and Development acknowledges the Netherlands for its substantial ecommerce prevalence, indicated by an 84 percent usage rate.


Emily Chambers


September 15, 2024

Image by Pixabay. No changes were made to the original image, which is licensed under CC.

A recent report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) points to the Netherlands as an important factor in the global ecommerce sector. With an impressive ecommerce penetration rate of 84%, the Netherlands boasts a larger proportion of its internet users engaging in online shopping, much higher than many other countries. In the wake of the Netherlands, the list comprises the UK, Sweden, and Denmark, with China being the first entry outside of Europe. The role of these countries in the global ecommerce could provide actionable insights in developing efficient global business strategies.

Influencing Ecommerce Adoption in Top 10 Countries

The UNCTAD's Digital Economy Report indicates that following the top five, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, and South Korea have a higher standing in the digital economy. The United States is not far behind, however, France, Spain, and Italy fall low in the list. In particular, less than 40% of internet users in Italy purchase goods online. This fact suggests a considerable scope for expansion in the online marketplace, especially considering the global shift towards online purchasing. It is advisable for internet retailers to use such data for formulating practical business strategies and attainable market projections.

Examining Online Shopping Trends in Holland

In 2023, the estimated value of the ecommerce field in the Netherlands was 35 billion euros. This value can be attributed to the vast number of online shoppers and widespread availability of fast internet in the region. Bol, an ecommerce platform based in the Netherlands, has consistently secured a substantial portion of the market share. Furthermore, there has been a noticeable increase in mobile ecommerce in the Dutch market. The acceptance of alternate payment methods, such as mobile payments and e-invoicing, support this claim. There is also an evident rise in the use of e-wallets, with an annual growth rate registering at 22 percent. This signifies a positive shift by Dutch consumers towards mobile shopping.

Business Expansion and Environmental Impacts

UNCTAD's review offers observations on how ecommerce affects both the world's economy and ecological system. While digital technology contributes to worldwide expansion, it also exacerbates financial and environmental disparities. Still, the shift to digital technology offers developing countries a chance to spur their growth and tackle environmental concerns. This allows a clear understanding of the eco-issues stemming from the growth of the digital economy. The report highlights an urgent need for techniques that can foster economic expansion and safeguard the environment simultaneously.

Global Web Trading View

The UNCTAD assessment offers pivotal details on international online retailing, underlining the Netherlands' standout rank. Additionally, it emphasizes the presence of growth possibilities in numerous nations. For instance, Southern Europe's countries like Italy, where online shopping penetration is still relatively low, exhibit significant potential for the evolution of internet-based marketplaces. Additionally, escalating environmental apprehensions tied to the digital economy signify an urgent requirement to instigate policies that allow for both mindful and sustainable internet-centered growth. As nations continue to sail through the expansive sea of online transactions, their ultimate goal should incorporate digital progressions that not merely augment their economic prosperity but also foster sustainable growth.

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